IMO certified fire-retardant mattresses under SOLAS
Manufactured standards in Spain

Inherent fire-retardant characteristics of our boat curtains and testing methodology

The main feature of our ship curtains lies in the zero combustion of the fabric, thanks to its FR polyester fibers that are designed to withstand any type of fire within a place as complex as a ship, especially because passengers on a boat always have less defense or room for manoeuvre to get away from the flames than on land.

These fabrics have a special finish or process treatment: it is woven directly with threads composed of already fire-retardant fibers, so their properties are inherent. Of its advantages, we emphasize that this fire-retardant property remains unchanged over time. That is why we can say that it does not matter the number of washes to which the curtain is subjected, or the wear that it suffers.

Both the regulations laid out by IMO and SOLAS that draft the way in which the tests are to be carried out, so the UNE EN 13773:2003 and which it comes to tell us; the test sample is placed on a vertical metal frame. A flame is applied to the surface and to the edge at the bottom of a test sample. In such tests you can see how the fabric resists the flame without any garment flame, only a charred black spot is observed and not even without causing any perforation or scorching drip.

It should be borne in mind that all curtains for boats as vertically suspended elements have to pass this type of tests against the flame. In a standardized manner, it was previously required to have a class M1 fire reaction classification in accordance with UNE 23.727-1990, until the European level standard was updated requiring proof of its fire-retardant quality based on the new class 1 designation according to UNE EN 13773:2003.

But since the entry into force of the rules on maritime safety in transport ships and cruise ships arranged in the well-known IMO-SOLAS, a specific classification was created for this type of vessel, more precisely regulating the type of equipment for those vessels exceeding certain dimensions and the type of construction material with which they were made.

The large boats that we find as leisure and maritime tourism spaces, are considered as places of recreation of public attendance, mainly by tourism. For this reason, in order to protect people travelling in this type of transport, more stringent standards were created, especially in matters of passive fire safety.

As for the European standard that evaluates the flammability of tissues and their properties when applying a radiant heat focus, to say that it uses the same methodology when we talk about curtains, since it is therefore widely recognized internationally and is widely recognized equals IMO and SOLAS regulations at the same level for their similarity and effectiveness.

In this way the IMO FTPC in its Section 7, on tests for textiles and films in suspended vertical support, such as curtains, curtains, curtains, screens, visors and other suspended decoration elements used in cabins and leisure rooms in are regulated in terms of testing methodology through the IMO Res. A563 (14) – corrections to the recommendation on the testing method for determining the fire resistance of textiles and films on vertical supports: IMO Res. A471 (XII) – recommendation on the test method for determining the fire resistance of textile films on vertical supports.

The effectiveness of our fire-retardant ship curtains is also perfectly integrated into the MED standard (Directive 2014/90/EU, Marine Equipment Directive), distinguished by its Ruditum Seal, technical requirements covering the entire European Union and the European Economic Area and controlling marine equipment and having to meet the requirements set out in that directive.

The technical requirements to be met by the equipment are set out in the international instruments and test standards included in the Regulations published by the European Commission. This also includes bed items such as sheets, blankets, pillows and mattresses, which are controlled by UNE-EN ISO 12952 "Fire behavior of bed items" and IMO : Resolution MSC.307(88) Annex I Part 9 "Procedures of the "International Marine Ortganisation" fire exposure test to determine its flammability.

For all this, at Royal Confort we are specialized in the sale and installation of M1 fire-retardant curtains for boats. Which have an approval certificate according to MED / SOLAS / IMO standards also called the rudder seal. So our curtains are approved and certified for both cabins and all those areas of the boat that require curtains with rails, with bar, visors, roller curtains, pleated, bathroom and blinds for bridges. In addition to all this, we also manufacture and sell quilts, blankets, duvets, sheets, upholstery, sofas, armchairs, bed headsanders and all those textile and upholstered elements for the boat.

Our facilities are located in Cadiz and we regularly work in the ports of Valencia, Barcelona, Algeciras and Gibraltar. Even if we ship to any port in Spain and Europe.
Contact us and we will assist you in your project or supply needs.

Royal Comfort. Specialists in ship curtains.

Phone (+34) 956 922 866
Our mattresses are present in the main shipping companies in the world